Talk Africa50 Videos


Apartheid Did Not Die (vuka muntu omnyama).

Apartheid is institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that exists in South Africa, legalized racism that still operates in today. Most is seen and felt in the struggle for economic development and transformation. Apartheid is still alive but in a new different form.
Virgin Pround To Be An African

Goddess Pround To Be An African

i am an African, i need a mirror desparately to see myself, my reflection to see the reality that i am . i was born with a scent of wild flowers in the air, the smell of wood fires and cooking pot . i was born to be proud of being an African . i […]
Walk Talk

Walk Talk

Film Africa Yabantu film africa tv Tv Yabantu


iDlozi yini ?. liyenzeka kanjani, liphuma kanjani emuntwini, lingumuntu, liyaphila, liphila emuntwini ophilayo lapha emhlabeni . Thokozani ..

ukubaluleka kwabesfazane

Abesfazane, ukubaluleka , sibanakekela kanjani, uyini umuntu wesfazane empilweni yethu lana emzansi africa. Ungumama, ungusisi, ungugogo, ngumakhothi …